
想象一下:如果每位校友每年捐出50美元,那么由此产生的4美元.500万美元将为学生创造改变人生的机会! High participation rates in alumni giving inspire others to give and positively impact national college rankings. 你的礼物, 无论大小, is helping to increase the value of your degree and the success of future graduates.

Thank you for your commitment to your fellow 狮子s and your dedication to their success.



基础的关系 & 企业慈善事业

如果你是 私人或公司基金会 有兴趣与A合作的代表&移动商务,我们在此提供帮助:

  • 在大学里畅游.
  • 介绍研究人员和学术领袖.
  • Collaborate to identify university priorities and programs that best support your organization’s work and mission.
  • 安排校园参观.


有很多方法可以让你在A公司产生影响&移动商务通过未来的礼物. 我们的 规划我的遗产 网站提供了一些有用的信息,让你开始. 您也可以联系礼品策划办公室 (电子邮件保护) or 903.468.8181.



Gifts of stock are converted to cash before they are deposited into a foundation account.

请透过电邮联络我们 (电子邮件保护) or 903.468.8180 with any questions or for additional information about your stock gift.

Please consult your tax advisor regarding the benefits of donating securities.


当你把不动产赠与A&移动商务, 你可能会得到福利,比如慈善所得税减免, 节省资本利得税和减少应税遗产.

联络我们: (电子邮件保护) or 903.468.8180.

使用 规划我的遗产 如果你的房地产礼物可能是计划礼物的一部分.

Please check with your tax advisor regarding the benefits of donating real property. Gifts of real estate are reviewed and approved by the Office of Budgets and Accounting and the System Office of 一般 Counsel.



请透过电邮联络我们 (电子邮件保护) or 903.468.8180讨论你的非现金礼物. 项目接受前需要审批.


直接的礼物可以为你的大学提供直接的支持. They can enhance programs, establish or increase 养老s, or assist in areas of greatest need. They also help the university carry out its daily mission to Educate. 发现. 实现.


用信用卡或电子支票制作礼物,电话903.468.8187 or 在线. 你可以选择一次性或经常性的礼物.

当你用现金或支票送礼时, simply include a note or use the check’s field memo to express your wishes regarding the designation of your gift.


P.O. 3425箱

业务 woman hand writing and signing white blank bank cheque book with laptop computer, 办公室桌子上的鼠标和数码平板电脑. 通过支票,薪水支票,工资概念支付.


许多公司都表示支持A&移动商务 by matching or multiplying their current or retired employees’ gifts. Consult your company's human resources department or our office for details about how to match your gift. 搜索 below to see if your company has a matching gifts program and to learn more about how to initiate the process.


我的10美元、50美元或100美元的礼物只是九牛一毛. 这真的会产生影响吗?

Every gift makes a difference, and your gift can accomplish much more than you think. A&移动商务有超过9万名在世校友. 如果每位校友每年捐出50美元,那么就能得到4美元.500万美元将为学生创造改变人生的机会! High participation rates in alumni giving inspire others to give and also positively impact national college rankings. 你的礼物, 无论大小, is helping to increase the value of your degree and the success of future graduates.

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No


是的,绝对! 你决定给A&移动商务 is voluntary and we want to ensure that your donor experience is the best it can be. 联系 (电子邮件保护) 获取更多关于如何成为捐赠者的信息.

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No

你没有得到德州运动协会的资助吗&M大学系统? 他们就不能多帮点忙吗?

A&移动商务没有得到德州农协的资助&M大学系统. As a state institution, our funds are sourced from students, the Texas Legislature and philanthropy.

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No


We offer a variety of options to make giving convenient for you and consistent with your philanthropic goals. Gifts may be made monthly, annually or over a designated time period. 许下承诺 在线.

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No

我不想让任何人知道我做了贡献. 有可能保持匿名吗?

是的, we work hard to respect our donors’ wishes and ensure a positive and gratifying giving experience. All you need to do is notify us of your request to remain anonymous when you make a donation. 我们不会公开你的捐款.

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No

我的礼物可能会鼓励别人给予. 什么样的捐献者认可是可用的?

我们以各种方式向捐赠者表示感谢, 但最重要的是, in the way that best represents you as the donor and the impact on the lives you are changing. Stewarding you and your gift and communicating the impact of your support is a priority at A&移动商务. 每件礼物和每个捐赠者的故事都是独一无二的. We will provide you with a distinct donor experience that reflects the intent of your generosity. 如欲进一步讨论认可方案,请致电903与我们联络.468.8187 or (电子邮件保护).

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No

I received an email/postcard/phone call from a company asking for my personal information and a story about 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-Commerce. 这是一个合法的项目还是一个骗局?

这是合法的! We have partnered with PCI (also known as Publishing Concepts) to produce an Oral History Publication for 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-Commerce. PCI是一家总部位于达拉斯的家族企业, 德州出版了教育机构目录, 兄弟会, 联谊会, 和全国各地的军事组织合作了将近100年. 这个项目允许德州A&M University-Commerce to hear about your personal experiences and explain how 皇冠体育365赌博&大学商学院帮助塑造了你们的人生.

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No

How do I know my information will only be used for Oral History Project purposes?

PCI致力于保护您的信息. 的名字, addresses and information provided to PCI for the publication of the Oral History Project will be held confidential by PCI, 除了在某种程度上它们被用于, 或在准备中, the Oral History Project and except as required by court order or law. 项目完成后, PCI will redact PII (Personal Identifiable information) from any and all electronic files that we have supplied or were produced by PCI in connection with the production of the Oral History Project.

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If you would like to speak with someone regarding a donation to a specific college, 养老, 基金或项目, 或者如果你想通过电话捐款, 请联系慈善业务部门的金正日Jefferies (电子邮件保护) or 903.886.5712. 
If you would like to speak with someone regarding 桥梁建造者s or Annual 给, 请联系劳拉·卢卡斯,电话903.468.8181.

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The Foundation has a separate board of directors who work in partnership with A&移动商务 to meet strategic goals and serve the university’s mission by raising private funds. 了解更多有关 基础板.

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All endowed funds are deposited through their related 501(c)(3) (the 皇冠体育365赌博&M大学商业基金会或德克萨斯大学&M大学校友会. 所有的基金都由德州运动协会管理&M大学系统. The Foundation and 校友会 have a shared services affiliation with the university; therefore, 他们没有员工, 他们自己的设备或空间. University employees provide the necessary services and resources for the operation of the Foundation and 校友会.

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去德州A学校要花多少钱&M University-Commerce?

A&移动商务 prides itself on offering an accessible, affordable and quality education. 了解更多关于 出席费用.

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慈善和参与部门在A&移动商务 is ready to help make your philanthropic dreams come true. 我们的专业人员监督主要捐赠, 计划给, 年度捐献, 操作, 校友关系及参与. They look forward to helping you find the best way to support the 狮子 family. 请今天就皇冠体育365!


  • 南尼尔街2600号,商业,TX 75428麦克道尔,350套房
  • P.O. 3425号信箱,商业,德克萨斯州75429-3425